Huazheng Wang

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Assistant Professor,
School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science,
Oregon State University
Email: [at]

About me

I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science (EECS) at Oregon State University. I was a Postdoctoral Research Associate at the Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering at Princeton University from 2021 to 2022, hosted by Dr. Mengdi Wang. I received my Ph.D. in Computer Science at University of Virginia in 2021, supervised by Dr. Hongning Wang. I received my B.Eng. in Computer Science at University of Science and Technology of China in 2015. My research interests include reinforcement learning, information retrieval and machine learning in general. Currently I focus on multi-armed bandits and reinforcement learning with application to online recommendation and other information retrieval problems.

I am looking for self-motivated PhD students with solid math and coding backgrounds starting Fall 2025. More information can be found here for prospective students.

News and Updates

  • [09/2024] One paper on risk-aware preference-based RL is accepted by NeurIPS 2024.

  • [08/2024] We received a new NSF award (IIS-2403401) on Neural Bandits. Thank you NSF!

  • [05/2024] One paper on conversational dueling bandits is accepted by KDD 2024.

  • [05/2024] One paper on adversarial attack on combinatorial bandits is accepted by ICML 2024.

  • [04/2024] One paper on fedrated pure exploration is accepted by UAI 2024.

  • [01/2024] One paper on policy alignment is accepted by ICLR 2024.

  • [12/2023] Two papers accepted by AAAI 2024: one on tree search bandits for protein optimization and one on stealthy attack against MAB.

  • [09/2023] One paper on offline RL for learning to rank is accepted by NeurIPS 2023.

  • [04/2023] One paper on representation learning in POMDP is accepted by ICML 2023. See you in Hawaii.

  • [01/2023] Our asynchronous kernel bandits paper is accepted by ICLR 2023.

  • [09/2022] Two papers accepted by NeurIPS 2022: one on distributed kernel bandits and the other on Thompson Sampling for Directed Evolution.

  • [09/2022] Joined EECS at Oregon State University as an Assistant Professor.

Honors and Awards

  • [08/2019], SIGIR 2019 Best Paper Award.

  • [2018 - 2021], Bloomberg Data Science Ph.D. Fellowship.

  • [08/2021], ICML 2021 Best Reviewers (Top 10%).





  • Area Chair: ICLR 2023, 2024; NeurIPS 2023; KDD 2024